I'd be up for another fish-in this year, but I have no idea when or where. Since MO has some blue ribbon streams, I think it would be nice to have a fish-in on one of them. I have only fished a few streams and rivers here in MO, so I'm pretty unfamilliar with the others, so as far as I'm concerned, I'm open for suggestions. Being that I know none of the potential spots where we may have the fish-in, I would ask that someone who does fish the selected river do most of the legwork. I am in no way opposed to doing everything I can to help get it organized and make it a fun time for everyone, so please don't think I'm passing the buck.

If those of you who live in the KC area would like to discuss potential rivers for a fish-in, may I suggest joining some of us who get together on a regular basis at the Independance Bass Pro next Wednesday night from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. I think it would be perfect for some brainstorming and then we can announce our choice, along with the dates, the following Thursday.

If we are going to do this, then we need to get it organized NOW so that more FAOLers can attend. We need to be MUCH better organized than last year as well. I like the idea of a 2wt casting competition, and the trading bench too. Maybe a photo competition, with pictures submitted onto the website and voted on by members who couldn't attend, that might be fun.

Anyway, let's do this if we're going to do it. I'll be looking forward to mashing some brains together.