Hypothetically speaking...

Once upon a time a person who shall remain nameless allegedly attempted to murder the $%#$% mice in the house he was inhabiting with a pellet gun. It worked well for the mice which tried to sneak across the floors, and so forth. One night, a mouse tried to chew its way through one of those plastic plates (like around wall sockets or light switches) which was designed for a coax TV cable. There was a little nose, teeth gnawing on the plastic. Muzzle of the pellet gun three inches away, aimed right where the little bugger's body was...

At this point it should be noted for those who may not know, or have forgotten, that behind every one of those plates is some sort of steel box containing the light switch, plugins, what have you. I repeat, steel. Pellets are typically made of lead.

Anyway, back to our story. WHAP! Pieces of plastic embedded in the far wall, pellet flattened like a dime and whizzing around the room. No sign of the mouse.

Never did get all those buggers.