Ohio, I have never built a rod in my life and have only cast three or four boo rods so take this with a grain of salt and a large bevridge of your choice.

things I have learned about boo from FAOL.

You only need the planes jigs, forms etc if you wish to start with the trunk of a tree and build a rod.

there are many places to buy a blank, I have at least two manufaturers localy that would sell me one in addition to many on the net.

Elkhorn is a sponsor here on FAOL, (see the sponsor Page) there blanks are very reasonably priced and from the looks of the one Betty made are well built.

The bamboo section under features on the main page is wonderful to read even if you never want to fish or manufature a boo rod just for the information.

If you follow the links on the sponsor page to the two or three sponsors who custom build boo make sure you have somthing to wipe up the drool off your computer desk.

(who is thinking of buying a blank)