I have a house in the Mat Su Valley, Palmer to be exact....I use Loop and Danielsson Traditional freshwater reels for ALL my saltwater fishing...I would say they see 200 days a yr in salt and mainly 8-12hr days at that...I regreased the wheels last night...that was the 1st time since spring...I clean them maybe 3 times a year but mainly its not cleaning but regreasing the bearing because I also have removed the protective gaskets because they tended to get corroded and with all the smking bones/permit the grease will eventually spray itself out...no problems at all and its the only reel I use...same with the rods...while some are saltwater others are regular Loomis GLX's...again I NEVER clean the rod...that being said I see rust UNDER the epoxy on the bottom guides..this is unavoidable because it is from seeping thru...no problem though, they have never failed and I also exchange my rods every yr anyway