
The stogies aren't going anywhere no matter how much the wife complains! Internal Bourbon soaking doesn't help with the bugs, but it does help. Any external Bourbon soaking is usually the result of too much internal Bourbon soaking.


I do the Buzz Off bandanna thing too and that helps as well but I was SO desperate to try it on my hat that I even washed it! But the instructions said no hats or underwear so I didn't.

(I'm happy to report after several fishing trips that I didn't wash the luck out of the hat!!)

I may try some Ultrathon on the bill one of these days. My problem is I am so scared of ruining my equipment with fly dope after I messed up a casting reel once that I never use it no matter how bad the bugs are. I buy the stuff, carry it around but never put it on. I have a 25+ year old bottle of unopened Muskol!

Sawyer has the kit where you soak your garments which is what I used, and a spray. The soak kit even comes with a giant Ziploc bag for the soaking process. While the spray seems simpler, you still have to soak the garment with the spray and let it dry for two hours.

So far I haven't got those frequent mosquito bites I usually get through my shirt and there doesn't seem to be as many bugs hanging around me in general. I also hear the stuff repels and KILLS ticks which is a great thing where I fish.

The ONLY bugs that seem unfazed by the stuff are those non-biting but EXTREMELY annoying GIANT houseflies from outer space that call Clark's Creek home. Those @#*!$ critters drive you crazy with their constant buzzing and landing all over you. Even the stogies don't keep them away!

I'm thinking of taking a cow along with me the next time I go to Clark's in the hopes it and its pies may be more attractive to the flies. If that fails, maybe Elsie could whack a few off of me with her tail.

Hey, can you teach a cow to fetch beer?