I gave up trying to make pretty loops on the ends. Now I just place a drop of super glue on the tip and butt ends while in the jig. This prevents them from unraveling when cut off the jig.

For use I use a double surgeons knot at the tip and a modified barrel knot at the butt (I use only 3 turns in the furled butt, 5 turns in my 12" mono butt section) I add a few inched of extra length in my leader design to account for the knot.

I find that the knot work very well for me, less hinge in my cast than a handshake loop or small metal ring, plus I can easily re-knot in the field if needed.

Note: I broke a lot of leaders during construction in the beginning, I was having difficulty mantaining correct tension while twisting.

This was resolved by adding some rubber bands... I take 4-6 fine dia. rubber bands and loop them end to end, I add a bent paper clip to each end. This gets added to the tip end of a leader strand before twisting. The rubber bands apply the required tension during twisting and have enough give to prevent breaking or 'pig tails'. I rarely break any more during construction.