
I guess trout over 18" would compare to 10" bluegill or a 5# Large Mouth Bass in my book. I don't think there is any special trick to catching any common species of fish as long as you have the essentials. 1. Right Oppertunity 2. Right equipment 3. Right amount of luck.

The closest decent trout stream is a four hour trip to me and I can be at good bluegill and bass water in about 30 minutes. With the price of gas and hotel rooms warm water fishing is more attractive. But like most people I guess my trout run about 12" to 15" the bluegills run about 4" to 7" and the large mouth bass run up to a couple pounds.

I guess what we really need to know is how big and what quantities this person catches to make large mouth bass so easy. My guess is that a 2wt rod isn't being used eaither.
