***************New "Fish - In" Rules************************
Or, "How to avoid Dorkdom"
1) Shave every day.
2) Bathe/shower everyday (twice if need be).
3) Slacks and shirts neatly pressed.
4) Hair combed, if you have enough to comb.
5) Socks that match (should be #!)
6) Manners that would make your mother proud.
7) Language of the type heard at church socials. (Ah Shucks is ok!)
No loud boasting. Being sorry you caught the big one is fine.
9) No falling down. especially in the evening!
10) Keep your feet off the furnature.
11) Always say Thank You or You are Welcome.
12) Let St. Paul take the heat while we all act like the perfect non-dorky gentelmen that we are.
13) Remember, 6 year olds have to go to bed early!!