Progress! The Butt section groove is done.

This is taking a little more time than I expected but it is going well. Most of the time is actually spent adjusting the forms and taking measurements and making corrections. The actual filing time isn't too bad. All in all I would guess about 20 - 25 hours since my last post. The shallower tip section groove on the other side shouldn't take so long.

I am mostly following the description given in Wayne Cattanach's excellent book "Handcrafting Bamboo Fly Rods" but if anyone has questions I would be happy to answer.

Photo 1. Getting started. File glued to wooden holder and calipers are in constant use.

Photo 2. The groove is starting to show up, continue filing.

Photo 3. In the later stages, the dial depth indicator is crucial to check dimensions.

Photo 4. All done. Checking the groove shape with a 60 degree threading gage.

Next it is on to the tip side groove.