Quote Originally Posted by Rick Z View Post
tying instructions?

Hook - I use a size 8 long-shank streamer hook for crappies, size 10 for bluegills.
Tail - marabou
Body - medium diameter mylar tubing (pearl, silver, or silver holographic)
Eyes - 3D eyes
Overcoat - Loon Hard Head
Weight (optional) - lead tape cut to shape, or lead wire around hook shank

Tying Instructions:
1. Prepare the hook with lead wire or lead tape as desired. Start your thread.

2. Tie the marabou tail on the hook shank near the bend.

3. Work your thread up to near the hook eye. Cut a length of mylar tubing about 1/4" longer than the hook length.

4. Slide an open end of the mylar tubing over the hook eye, and push just past the thread. Do a loose wrap of thread around the tubing, as close to the hook eye as you can get. Do a second loose wrap, and slowly tighten . The mylar will snug down to the hook shank, and make 3 more tight wraps. I like to add a drop of Softex or other glue to these thread wraps.

5. Wind your thread back to the hook bend. Push the mylar tubing back over itself, so it "inverts" over the hook. This results in a more rounded "nose" shape.

6. Tie off the tubing by starting with a couple of loose wraps, tightening, and then makeing 3 more tight wraps, and whip finish. Cut thread, and spread a drop of glue over these thread wraps.

7. I stick on the 3D eyes, color the fly as desired with permanent Sharpies. I then cover the eyes and entire mylar body with Loon Hard Head.

8. If the loose ends of the mylar at the rear of the fly are to long, simply trim with scissors. Be careful not to cut the marabou.

--An alternative to using lead wire or lead tape for weight, is to tie this on behind a bead head.

What you want is a fly that will sink to the level the crappies are, or just above...and then use a slow jerky "stop-and-go" retrieve.