
You wrote:

"I know very little about fly rods, but I do know that with spinning/baitcasting rods that not having a solid 1 piece blank creates stress points, weak spots, reduces casting accuracy, as well as decreasing sensitivity".

That was true thirty or forty years ago. The technology of building modern graphite rods, specifically the designs of the integral ferrules, renders all of what you wrote as outdated.

Todays rods don't have weak spots at the ferrules, 'stress points', nor are they less sensitive or less accurate. That applies to all types of rods, not just fly rods.

You can now buy multi piece bass and inshore saltwater rods 'off the rack' in many shops. Custom builders are building multi piece rods for game like Marlin and Tuna.

The angler who uses these rods gives up nothing to a one piece rod.

The 'benefits' of multi piece rods are primarily rod portability and rod safety. The shorter pieces are easier to treansport and harder to break while they are being transported.

If you don't 'travel' to fish, it probably doesn't matter much.

Good Luck!
