When we hang out, there are NO outsiders! You are part of our FAOL family & we'll be glad to have you join us. Tim (Grubb) can certainly shed more light on this, but the Festival (as I recall) is right in town, concrete bridge, & the park is across the main street. I THINK that's accurate, but that's an ol' Irishman thinking, & that can be dangerous.
PM me (and that goes for ALL who want to meet) & I'll give you my cell#. Jerry & I will be getting in Friday, 4/18, & we're staying over until Monday, 4/21. In addition to the show, there will be fishin', eatin', & just hangin' I stated before, the more, the merrier. If I have an idea how many of us will be getting together, I'll pack in enough of my peanut butter fudge to make a box for everybody to take home, plus what we;'ll snack on there. May make some jerky too.