Well, I made it back from the fish-in. I hated to leave. I've been sneezing all morning which is just more proof that I'm allergic to work and need to get back down there.

I had a great time, even better than last year. My emblazended signature "V" is no longer lobster orange, it is instead the envy of everyone in my office...thank you Dave.

I'll be typing up a little aritcle complete with pictures to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth according to the unwritten pirate fisherman's code.

It was great to see everyone again, and to meet you Bill, what a treat to be there for your first saltwater fish on the fly...we'll have to do it again amigo.

And special thanks to FLskibum. Gill, without your company and yaks, we never would have had the success we did.

I must get back to work...there will be much more later.