Nooo, it's DEFINITELY NOT "In the country of Ohio"!!!
1)The trees are not devoid of branches, 6 feet up, where they've been stripped for campfire wood.
2) You can see into the water, more well past the 3" depth
3) The air appears to be CLEAN as well as, BREATHABLE.
4) The snow isn't a dingy dark gray.
5) The person, casting, HAS ROOM to cast.
6) For such a wide angled, photo, there are not 1,100 other fishermen in the shot.
7) There's no graffiti on the rocks.
The young man, fishing and wearing "gang colors" shorts, doesn't have a shiv in his back
9) There is not 23" of Styrofoam bait containers on the ground.
10) Taking numbers 1 thru 9, into consideration, the fishermen has a CHANCE, of catching a fish, that's perhaps even edible.