Google isn't the only search engine , found this on Ask Jeeves .
hope it helps .
The Wild Trout Journal is a magazine devoted to angling in Yellowstone Country. It has articles on places to go, fishing techniques, fly patterns, interviews with well known anglers living in the general area of Yellowstone Country, news items relating to this area and other interesting angling topics. Even though its focus is on fishing in the area of Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding rivers, streams, and lakes much of the information is applicable to other areas. Mike Dry publishes the Wild Trout Journal four times per year. The Journal is very attractively presented. The subscription is currently free until the end of 2002. The magazine will be published only on the Internet. You can subscribe by emailing the publisher, Mike Dry, at:
NOTE: the date says 2002 . try the email address maybe its still available.