Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Sanders View Post
'entry' level fishing gear for children now is more on the lines of the 'snoopy rod' or the 'barbie fishing outfit' than the simple stick and string of yesteryear...still works, still gets the kid's interest up...it's 'easier' for he parent to pop into the local WalMart or 'sports spectacular type sell it all for every sport' store and pick up an inexpensive rod and reel for their kids that it would be to even FIND a 'cane pole' these days.
Buddy, you make some good points, but I have a very low view of the "snoopy" and "barbie" rods that are sold as "kids tackle". They're not tackle, they're toys. I have no problem with anybody buying them as toys, but letting your kids fish with them is doing them a disservice. As fishing tackle, those things are beyond worthless. The reels are terrible so casting is a chore, and they're all under 4' so setting the hook is hard, too.

I was fishing a small urban pond a couple of years ago. As I fished, I noticed an older gentleman (the grandfather, I assumed) as he led several kids down to the water with some type of "snoopy" kids rod. I watched as the kids tried casting the rod. None of them could do it. Then, Gramps tried. He couldn't cast it, either. In the meantime, I caught and released 70 bluegills in an hour on a simple telescopic pole, fishing just 15 feet from shore.

To sum up, I believe in giving kids adult tackle that they can handle.