Ahhh Darrell,

Tis but one way to tail a pig fly and
it's not with the hair of the swine. As it
turns out, one of our sponsors, Hedron,
makes the perfect material for the curly
little appendages. It's called "Perfect
Rubber" and comes in colors to match
virtually every foam color known to man.
This material can be threaded into a
needle and applied in just the right spot
along with a wee drop of CA adhesive. Then
with the application of heat, it can be
stretched to the proper taper and twisted
to a curl that would catch any pig fanciers
eye. Anything worth doing is worth doing
right!*G* Warm regards, Jim

PS, this miraculous material is also well
suited for legs and skirts on your more
traditional dremel bugs.

[This message has been edited by Jim Hatch (edited 24 August 2005).]