I haven't been posting too much, lately, due to yet another "blow between the eyes", Linda and I have received, recently but gaining you as my friend here on FAOL and this thread concerning your health, prompted me to sign in anyway.
You've received some good advice, so far. I was also, in the exact same boat you're now in, several years ago but I'm not going to recommend any links, and/or, diets for you, (that may have worked for me), because I'm NOT your doctor and I don't know your chemical make up. To do so, could seriously harm you, further in fact.

Since you and I share more than just fly fishing, to make us alike, ('Nam tours), I also don't feel you're the type of man that appreciates, wants, or NEEDS, me to "pat your hand and tell you eating carrots, will make things all better". Plus, you're too damn intelligent to fall for that sort of coddling!
What you're facing now and not yet knowing the outcome, is tough. I don't deny that at all. It's also scary. Again, with our mutual pasts, we both know........... "An enemy we FACE, is an enemy we can beat". One, we can't face, is much, much, tougher to overcome.
But, "the enemy you're facing now", CAN and WILL "be beat", if only you follow the dictates you're given by your doctor. There are of course, also so many support groups and sites, on this disease, your mind will swim with all the choices, so neither are you alone in this battle of yours.
Before I was given my death sentence last Christmas, I had successfully beat back the 1st. enemy I'd faced with "food controlled diabetes". Yeah, it was tough at first, but the alternatives, had I not made my life changes, didn't look like much of a picnic either!
Oddly, I look at your situation at this point in time as................ "A VERY LUCKY ONE", because it was caught in time. You're at a point, with this now, where SIMPLY changing a few things in your daily life, eating and routine, can conquer it.

You're not being asked to alter "who you are", only to "change the way you do certain things". You'll be asked to "eat better", (gee, what a toughie), walk a little more, than you're maybe used to, (another real killer, huh?) and and probably "THINK, before you pop that second cheeseburger into your mouth".
Sorry, I'm NOT saying these things, Eric to make light of your situation and what I know of you, thus far, I doubt you think that I am.
But, my friend, you have every chance to beat this thing, simply by "thinking before acting", something as a pilot, I'm sure you're an expert at already.
Myself, along with your entire FAOL family, will naturally be pulling for you. THAT, goes without saying. But, it will still be YOUR choice, not even Amy's, how you go about this life change and how willing you're going to be to make it.
Very few of us, "know how short/long, our lives are going to be". Don't waste what you've been given, when the solutions are so easy to undertake.

Be diligent, be on top of things and be cool.