Quote Originally Posted by Bad Luck Larry View Post
Well Ray, as a Canadian MALE (ahem..) just like the post, we take our time doing all sorts of things.....fixing what needs to be fixed; waking up in the morning; listening to what our wives say; Heck...it's why our government is slow to do lots of things! HA!
However....when we do 'come around' it's worth the wait. Double HA!
For some reason, our post is SLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOW! My brother sends letters from Korea and it gets here within a week! The other way around and it takes forever.
Hang tough. It'll get to you. One way or another! HA!
Two men skate towards a frozen rubber puck with intent on capturing it on their stick blade. Along the boards they collide at a closer rate of 70 MPH/112.65 KPH The fans stand up and roar. Hey folks, that is the game Canada invented called ice hockey. Nothing slow about the N.H.L. these days you know.