Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
Doug -

Is that picture of people fishing on the Columbia real ??? Tell me its staged - please !!!


Let's hope the Willamette thing is just the low point of a cycle, and not something more telling.
That's a minor example of what it used to be like on the Willamette River! We called them "Hog Lines" and the boats at times would be actually touching each other, in long lines of maybe ten boats. Each boat has a Float that attaches to their anchor rope and when they hook a fish, they throw the Float and drift downstream to land their Salmon, then retreat back to the Hog Line and reattach the anchor rope to their bow. Now the old timers are gone and it is a free for all out on the Willamette. It's a sad, unorganized and sometimes disrespectful fiasco. A lot of those new breed have no experience handling a boat and their only qualifications are that they were dumb enough to pay 35 thousand for a boat that sits in their driveway 11 1/2 months out of the year.