Quote Originally Posted by Helicopsyche View Post
Gnu Bee,

I like the idea of the ultimate trigger fly. What if you tied a fly with all the triggers you can pack onto a hook? I know this doesn't answer your question, but I think it could be the ultimate angler catching fly.

Well one of the reasons I asked my question was to find new triggers to perhaps add into my flies. I think if you put to many in one fly the fish might not see the forest for the trees. Sort of a sensory overload.

Already I have considered perhaps
1. Making my parachute flies a bit taller.
2. A bit of red near the gill area in streamers.
3. Feeding Deezel to a tiger so he can experience first hand what the difference is between a trigger and a tiger.
4. Looking for Gary Lafontaine's book on ebay or amazon.com
5. Yellow egg sacs on drys.
6. Trailing red flashaboo seems like a good idea also

I already
1. Put red butts on chronomids and other flys.
2. An orange spot on scud abdomens
3. A bit of green flashaboo on most buggers and leaches
4. Eyes on Streamers
5. Flashbacks on a lot of nymphs
6. some white in the gill area of chronomids

Man I sure got some good ideas from this post. thanks guys.