Tyeflies, the directions given by fisherjoe are excellent. I would add just a couple of comments.

1. You do need a photo editing program of some sort. Abobe Photoshop is what I use but there are many others available. You may have a built-in edit program with your computer or printer. Re-size the photos as Joe suggests and save them as .jpeg format, give them titles as you save them.

2. I use [url=http://myfishingpictures.com/:31474]http://myfishingpictures.com/[/url:31474] very simple to set up an account and to upload your pictures. You can build an album on their site and return to it whenever you want to post a picture. The site will give each photo a unique URL, copy it and paste it into your message using the following code, the brackets are next to the "P" character on your keyboard.

Leave out the X's when you post.

[Ximg]the URL of your picture[X/img]

Good Luck.
