Well, R-Chaser, since YOU ASKED......... about the only "it is still an Adams?, question, all I can think of that IS, is the hook you maybe used!! ha!! But, I agree with you, 100% IT IS a darn nice looking fly and surely will attract your desired quarry!
I guess, you could call it a "variation of the Adams", but a I'm sure you know already.. for "an Adams to be an Adams", it should be tied, per original recipe.
But, ONLY if you're trying to "duplicate authenticity", from a fly tying standpoint.
There's so many variations of every standard pattern, that there's really not much "NEW" being tied today. There's "improvements" and "alterations" and "changes" which many claim "are for the better" and they may be right to some degree, but it still boils down to "changing this and that, on an original idea".
Flies like the "Western Adams" the "Parachute Adams", are only variations of an already designed theme.
I was tying at a fly show, earlier this year in California. I guy 2 tables away, was tying what he claimed was "A Renegade". He went on and on, about the history of the Renegade, it's effectiveness of imitating various insects, etc.
You'd have thought, listening to the man, that this was THE FLY to end all flies and ESPECIALLY "HIS version" of it". He fielded a lot of questions from young and older tiers as he tied and as he did, he sat there for two days and tied his "ORIGINAL Renegades", (HIS term, not mine!), by using chartreuse yarn, for the body, no tag and BLACK hackles, both front and rear!
I don't have a clue as to where he got his information on the Renegade, or, the recipe he was using. WAS IT, a "true Renegade"? No, of course not. But, HE thought so, evidently and except for kinda-sorta, misleading some newer tiers, he didn't really do much harm.
So,again, I really like the looks of your tie and it doesn't matter, what you tie as long as you love doing it and you have faith in it!!