No, Norm, my 30+ years fishing partner, had the tip of his rod slammed in the tailgate glass of my Honda CRV when we were fishing in Montana last year. The tip fractured, looking like it'd been hit, hard, with a rounded steel bar, or bat of some sort.
When he sent the tip to Scott, he got back a new, unwound, tip ad his own he'd sent in. HIS, returned in two pieces, neatly sawed in half. That's when we spoke to Jerry Demure about it. (And, by the by, don't blame Scott for doing such a thing either!)
And, since we were both at the rear of my Honda, when the glass was closed on his rod tip, we KNOW that it must have been one of those very elusive "Montan'er Elves", that roam the area, because there's no way I would have done such a thing and Bishop, surely wouldn't have on his own rod, right?
If you ever fish Montana, up around the St.Regis River area, watch out for 'dem elves! They're everywhere..........