Fly casting (or should I say fly fishing?) really is a two handed effort, unless you only want to fish 30 feet or less of line. Learning the basic casting stroke with your off hand isn't all that difficult. What I find much harder to do is wrapping my brain around what to do with my "new" line hand for line control.

Back in my guiding days, I had the opportunity to "teach" many new flyfishers. Most of the problems newbies would run into after they got the 11:00 to 2:00 o'clock part down usually could be blamed on line control issues (ie, failure to strip line in enough line before starting the cast, letting the line slip or dropping the line too soon while casting, etc.)

My "regular hand" casting distance and line speed has significantly improved in the last few years to the point where I can routinely throw over 80 feet of flyline. The last 20 feet came around when I started "pantomine casting" every day for 5 -10 minutes, in effect ingraining in my mind the correct hand locations and movements for both hands through the casting stroke.

When I switch rods hands I find myself making the "newbie" line handling mistakes all over again! As silly as looks to the rest of the world out there, pantomine casting really does help and I am sure would make the switch over to a lefty much easier.

Good luck.
