Hi Chris,

While your question seems simple at
first glance, it can be a complicated one.
But taking in all that you say and based on
a bit of experience with most types of
small craft, including several of my own
design and manufacture, I'd go with a
canoe. The tube is not well suited for
some of the grassy and shallow areas you
mentioned, unless you like wading in the
mud. The kayak will limit you in passengers
in that you get a two man version and have
to move the extra weight all the time just
so you can handle the youth or buddy when
the need arises. The porta boat JC mentioned is an interesting craft and I
recently used one for the first time. I
was favorably impressed with it's capabilities. We put two full grown adults
in it and powered it with a 6hp outboard as
well as a trolling motor for fishing. But
the set up and take down is time consuming.
Canoes are pretty durable, don't care how
deep or shallow the water is, and will handle grassy or heavily structured waters
quite well. More forgiving in getting in or
out than a kayak and often stable enough to
stand and fight a fish. You can even stand
and accomplish the tinkle thing in most.

There are a lot of canoes to choose
from and a wide variety of prices. The
heavier the canoe, the cheaper. The light
weight ones use high zoot materials and can
quickly raise the price for a modest weight
reduction. The weight is not problematic in
the water, only in getting the craft from
your vehicle to the water and back. I'd
give the canoe some thought and particularly
how to transport it to and from the water.
If you can safely handle 75 pounds alone the
options are many and much cheaper. Good
luck Chris. Warm regards, Jim