Quote Originally Posted by CaseyP View Post
the lifetime/all inclusive nature of good fly fishing gear warranties has always amazed me. now there is conclusive proof that this is spreading:

two years ago i bought a pair of Smith ski goggles that have a little fan in them to disperse condensation. this saved my skiing because i have to wear glasses and i have to wear goggles with them. well, last week the little fan didn't work any more, so i sent the goggles back to Smith to get fixed.

Smith called up to say they couldn't fix them. oh, i says... but, the lady says, we can send you a new pair. fine, i says, but will my special corrective lenses fit the new pair? oh, yes, she says. what color did you want, she asks. so we go on about color and mailing address and new adapter for the corrective lenses and so on, and finally i haul out the credit card and with my heart in my mouth i say, now how much is this going to set me back?

oh, nothing, she says.
you're kidding, i says.
oh, no, there was a defect and we're replacing them.

i nearly fell out of my chair.

so inside of a week i have my new goggles and new adapter and i'm telling everyone that Smith optics is one great company. last week i read that companies that have good customer service reputations are those that solve problems that arise, not necessarily those that have no problems in the first place. sounds about right to me!
Your last statement hit the nail on the head! I have seen bad reviews for products that were faulty & negative feedback posted on Ebay BEFORE a problem even had time to be resolved. ANY & EVERY company or seller has had product/service problem or failure at one time or another (or will). I most often base my buying decisions on how a company has resolved problems when they do arise. I just bought a new Garmin C340 GPS for the Jeep. The single most helpful review was by a man who rated it 3 (out of 5) in 2005. He updated that review with Garmin's problem resolutions 2 or 3 times, & by 2006 or early 2007 they had resolved all his issues & he now recommends this unit. Review can be viewed on Amazon..it's listed in "most helpful critical reviews".

Great post!