If you order the Angelina fiber...is it long so that if you want to mix your own dubbing you have to cut it?
The Hareline Ice Dub I have seems relatively short so one can separate it quite sparsely.

Incidentally it makes great dubbing brushes.

It looks to me like there is another ingrediant...in fact one color of the Hareline I have has little balls or "curds" of some such dubbing..I'm guessing rabbit...

I'd like to order some of the actual Angeline fiber but am wondering if I have to do anything to it to make it like the Hareline Ice Dub????????????

Anyone got a better place for it than here.....


As someone mentioned ....I do mix it with other natural or even synthetic dubbing [Needleloft] and it works quite well.

BTW...thanks for the above posts ....very useful