Rollcast --

No, I didn't go with the Fly Shop -- although the Fly Shop is relatively close to were I live and I'm in there several times a year -- really nice shop and probably the premier shop for fly fishing travel. They have lots of trips and if you call them, they will send you very complete information on trips to the area you are interested in.

I went with Rumbo Patagon - a small outfit in the Patagonia region of Chile - they have an agent in Oregon.

The Fly Shop - located in Redding, Calif., has trips that are pretty tricked out -- and I wanted to experience the country and the people as well as fish but I didn't want to go the Trout Bum diaries route.

You can get yourself into some really expensive trips -- golf courses, helicopter ridges, exquisite meals, etc -- I wanted a more down to earth trip. Rumbo is run by two brothers who are in their late 20's or early 30's -- and they are well known in the area they fish.
when you go with them, you get to know their kids and families and it is a more homey experience. They both have spent enough time in the States to speak english very well and they try like hell to make you happy and make everything go the way you expected.

Cost for me was about $3200 for 5 days of fishing and one day on each end -- arrived Sunday and left on Saturday. So, 7 days there -- 5 days fishing and by the way, you do fish 5 full days. When I was booking my first trip down, they had some great deals pop up because people cancelled out and they were trying to fill the spot on a moments notice -- and I mean really cheap--- my only problem would have been getting down there at a reasonable price at moments notice and also clearing my schedule.

Airfair is all over the place in terms of cost. Last year we did the internet - find the cheapest fare thing-- and won't do that again. Why? Because it took forever and flew all over the place to get there.

This year we are flying as direct as possible and just going to pay more to get there. Going to get to Chile a couple of days early to site see in Santiago.

Anyway, if you are interested, I would give Rumbo a good reference and also direct you to their web site. Before you go on any trip like this, have the outfitter give you references --- and, by all means call and check them out. I would shy away from any outfit that won't give you references.

I actually had intended to go with another company and asked for references. They said they would send them to me -- never got them. Rumbo gave me the references and I called each of them (about 5).

As you can tell, I sound a little too much like an advertisement and I don't mean to be. I just had a really great time and now I can hardly wait to get back down there on February 14th "08".

If I can get you anymore help, please let me know.

Best regards.