I fished there in Aug 2000.

These are my general impressions.

1. Fish size greatly over hyped. 5# average is hard to meet when the first few fish are 14" long! We fished a non-steelhead river. Fish comparable to most Alaska rivers. It takes a VERY rich river with a lot of food to grow very larger trout - rivers that far north do not have that food supply.

2. Food simple , bland and non exciting.

3, Housing acceptable - individual tents with two cots and electric light bulb

4. A long ways to travel to fish. Don't miss your return flight three bad thing can happen - first, your visa will have expired; second you will most likely run out of cash; and third you will not of learned enough Russian to do any negotiations. * grin*

5. Guides - Generally marginal to average. Most are transferring techniques used in Montana or Alaska to the Kamchaka waters - they work but then again almost anything will work.

6. Fish are not sophisticated- most every works - bluegill poppers, hair mice, woolly buggers, small nymphs under an indicator, dries of all sizes, and on and on.

7. Don't have a medical problem - you are LONG ways from good help!

8. Value on a scale of 1 to 10 -- fishing a 5, experience an 8.

It was fun once but I would not return.