Quote Originally Posted by dudley View Post
Janus... you're talking about your Three Forks rod right?
Good Luck
I've tried WF3, a DT3 , a WF 4, and a DT 4.
So far the 444 DT3 is the one the works best, but still....
The best advice is from someone who knows the rod so don't listen to me

But Dud's recommendation illustrates that all lines and tapers are NOT created equal and despite what you hear; all DT/WF line tapers are NOT necessarily the same for the first 30 feet even within the same

Add to that confusion your own "feel" preference and typical application of your rod...

Bottom line; listen to Dudley or start experimenting.

For the record I use DT's on everything except my heavy line rigs because I like to ask for something the fly shop doesn't have so I can get out of there without spending any money.