I teach a Beginner's Fly Tying class and that is where I think all new people to fly tying should start. A good beginner's fly tying class should teach you the fly tying language, the basic tools needed and teach you how to do all the different style bodies that you will find on any fly pattern. Once you have this class behind you, all you will need to do is go to FAOL's fly tying tutorials and begin with the Beginners section and go through it from the beginning to the end and then move on to the Intermediate section and then to the Advanced section. Make sure and not skip around in them. Start at the beginning and do not go to the next step until you have mastered the step you are on. I would not recommend a fly tying kit. In place of the kit, I would recommend you to purchase a fly kit instead. In a fly pattern kit, you will recieve all the material, hooks, thread and step-by-step (with pictures) tying instructions needed to tie a dozen flies of a particular pattern. These fly kits cover dry flies, wet flies, warm water popper patterns, etc. When you have finished tying a dozen of a particular pattern you will know how to tie that particular pattern plus you will know what tying material you will need to purchase to tie more of that pattern. The kit even sends you a fly already tied so that you will have a visual sample to see as you follow the tying instructions. Your only expense will be to purchase the basic tying tools needed to begin tying flies. Fly tying books and videos are good, but, are more valuable to the beginner after they have taken a beginner tying class.

Most fly tying shops have the fly pattern tying kits and they go by different names. The ones at my local fly shop are called, "Fly In A Box".

Hopefully, this info helps.