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Thread: Shore fishing the greal lakes

  1. #1

    Default Shore fishing the greal lakes

    Does anyone know about the relatively new technique (new to the lakes that is) of striping streamers wading the beaches on the great lakes? I am told browns, and sometimes salmon and steelhead, will take these offerings. I am curious as to methods, seasons, locations, and success rate doing this. Any help?

    Bob Bolton

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Glenmoore, PA, on the banks of the East Brandywine Creek

    Default Re: Shore fishing the greal lakes


    I don't know about stripping streamers but years ago I threw Little Cleos on Lake Ontairo for browns off of the 'boil' at Nine Mile Point nuclear reactor in Oswego, NY. I would think that stripping streamers would work also. We did this in the dead of winter when the steelhead fishing on the Salmon River was slow. It only worked when the wind was blowing out to the lake to push the ice off shore so we could wade closer to the boil (I was too broke at that time to afford a row boat). The warm water of the reactor outlet would draw the bait fish and schools of browns would follow. I had a lot of fun catching these 4-5 lb, football shaped browns back in the day. Don't know what they are doing out there these day as it's been at least 25 years since I was young and stupid enough to wade out in chest deep water, across ice covered rocks, in 10 degree weather to catch fish.

    All you need to do is to find a nuclear reactor on the shore of your local Great Lake and look for the line of fisherman. Good luck.

    PS..Be sure to wear a wading belt, take an extra change of clothes and a lot of hot coffee, I always appreciated it after my polar bear swim!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shore fishing the greal lakes

    I fished the south end of Lake Michigan for many years until I moved away about 5 years ago. Depending on the weather pattern in any given year the possibilities would vary. Usually one might find shallow fish from mid Sept. to May. Summer was mostly time for trolling, but on quiet evenings fish might be suspended shallow and could be caught on flies. They might be as far as 20 miles out then. I always carried a 7 to 9 wt rod along, no matter where I might be planning to fish.

    I liked a Micky Finn or the Skunk as examples of flies to use. The McNally Smelt was a very useful fly. Later, I used anything white and silver to emulate the alewife. The Rapala "hatch" also lead to excellent results. A 3-4 inch orange bucktail tied sparsly to make casting easier was my favorite. This seemed to be my best bet in early may. Fish this about 3 to 5 ft down.

    Look for clubs such as a chapter of TU or local fly clubs. Visit tackle dealers and check your maps. Maps are your best friend.

    Power plants are your best location during the colder part of the year. Watch the direction of the outfall flow. Also look at beaches, parks and rip rap. By the way, there are huge SM bass along the rip raps and break walls. You will find litle comfort from the average fisherman you meet if you ask him for fly fishing advice. He will, in all probability, think that a fly rod is best used for beating rugs. This info should keep you occupied for a year or so. You are now in a good time for doing some of the lab work for Great Lakes fly fishing 101. I wish I could tag along.

    Gerry L.

  4. Default Re: Shore fishing the greal lakes

    Hey Bob,

    Used to fish off the piers and the ice shelfs at South Haven early in the year. March, April. Power plant at South haven you can walk the beach to. Smaller browns, Jacks, mostly. Clouser minnows in alewive and smelt mostly. Be careful though. I have fallen in twice. You have not felt cold until Lake MI in Feb. or March. Stops the heart.

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