Our tree looks very like Yours does with the same angel on the top except ours has a burgendy dress on it.

We bought a ceramic winter scene to fit into our Christmas village. It is supposed to play 40 different Christmas tunes . It does sort of. 35 songs are traditional Christmas tunes but interspersed among them is Pop goes the weasel, Good night Irene, The French national anthem, give a little whistle and one tune none of us even recognised. It would seem that the Chinese haven't quite caught on to the North American ways 100% yet

This is me and yep the beard is real.

Two of my dogs, Casa and Bud. Together they are a case a bud!
The fence around the tree is called the dingo fence.
Casa is a chow hound and likes to open presents on spec.

Yahoo our cristmas cactus bloomed after 20 years of not blooming.

Our tree