Quote Originally Posted by Joe Valencic
I have no problem with "tree farms," as they create jobs and replant trees every year. Pines grow 12" or more each year, so it does not take many years to get them to market size.

Our community collects the discarded trees and recycles them along with yard waste as compost, so there is no waste. It's actually a pretty good cottage industry in my neck of the woods, with dozens of tree farms dotting the surrounding counties. We also place them on the ice and weigh them down with cement blocks. At the Spring melt, they go to the bottom and become fish habitat for many years.

Our artificial tree is in its fourth year, and the previous one was used for 16 years before being donated to a local community group who still use it. I'm lazy in my later years, and don't enjoy tromping around to cut or a buy a tree.

On some of the reclaimed strip mines in your area that is about the only thing that will grow. I know because I was born and raised in Grove City, Pa. some of the really old mines are now great fisheries for bass and warm water species. The pines were planted on their banks and spoil piles to help prevent soil erosion.

I really do want to meet you sometime and wet some lines together. A big pat on the back to you and your community!