Don, ...

When I got back into fly fishing about 20 years ago, ... I sort of turned my nose up at muddlers. They were the "standard" fly on brook trout streams and still watersover here.

The I got smart

As I wasn't very good at matching the hatch, nor fishing a fly like it should be, ... at the time, I liked muddlers as there was really no WRONG way to fish it.

Today, I'll use classic patterns in #10-12 dead drifted on top.

I use the Marabou muddlers and rabbit strip muddlers in anything from #4-#10 dead drifted under the surface, retreived through big pools or gently swung on runs.

My favourites are the monster head ones, swung, popped or stripped for bruisers, ... especially at dusk.

... some of my bigger models used to stir up the water a bit and "provoke" stikes from bruisers.

We also use muddlers, classic, but ORANGE for atlantics in high water.

There is a very accomplished angler on my homewaters here, that ONLY uses muddlers for ALL his fishing, be it for adult atlantics, grisle, adult sea run brookies or the juvi 2nd run.

Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec