My wife and I were out in our 25ft cabin cruiser, trolling bucktails on Okanagan lake early in the morning . When out of the fog came a 19ft open boat trolling slowly by. It was probably no more than 30 feet from us. The fellow in the back steering the kicker was shouting at his wife to quit doing that because she was scaring all the fish. She was thumping loudly up and down, up and down, up and down climbing a set of those exercise stairs . She yelled an obsenity back at him and retorted. Yea? Well screw you buddy! I told you I had to exercise, let the $%^(*&ing fish wait. As they dissapeared once again into the morning fog, We laughed almost till we were ill. In the distance we heard the woman yell back at us Yea well Screw you too!

Certainly made our my day.