All rightie! Here's another!
I use St Croix rods, Hardy, Cabela's, Orvis and Diamondback. There're pluses and minuses to each one. I love my graphite rods. I love my glass rods. I love the ones I built. Long and short. (Hummmmm, I think I really have a thing about fly rods!) I wouldn't want anyone to choose a rod for me...maybe highlight the good and bad, but the final decision needs to be mine....after I've cast with them. Even the ones I built, I cast the rod before getting the blanks. All except for the Forecast 6'6".4piece,2# that I'm building now, but for $30, I figured I couldn't go too far wrong!
Take her out to the different shops. Stand back and let her cast to her hearts desire, without thought (or at least not a lot of thought) to the names. She'll know which one, or ones, will suit her. Hand her the VISA card, and go home happy!

Trouts don't live in ugly places

[This message has been edited by Betty Hiner (edited 03 August 2005).]