JC said it best. Get her a gift certificate, or even just take her to the fly shop and let her loose with your credit card! My wife has the same problem with my fast action rods (sage RPL+ #6), she simply doesnt have the timing it takes to load them stiffies to get them to shoot. My wife can cast the Sage SPL, 9' #6 three piece better than the RPL, but the weight of the #6 fatigues her, and you can see it in the trailing loops that develop as a result. The Sage SPL's are nice, and not too fast action, so she probably liked it because of that. Plus it seems everyone likes an expensive rod! I did find my wife a G Loomis GL3, 9' #4, and she can cast tight loops with a #10 EHC all day long with that rod. So perhaps look at slower action rods for your wife, and by all means, have HER do the test casting.

Have fun, Jeff

Tis my time on the water, in the mountains, and in my driftboat where I can see things as they really are.