Fishing the second biggest estuary south, the size of the flies should make your decision easy. A #7 has a range of fly sizes from #6-#16, an #8 from #4-#14, a #9 from #1/0-#10. The best one rod for flats, mangroves, beach & freshwater would be an #8, even though for summer snook on the beach I tend to take the #6 weight & overline it with a WF-I #7 ( for #2 flies ), but most of the fly fishing here is best done with the #9 weight. Most of the flies tied for casting are on #1/0,1 & 2 hooks & except for the #3/0 tarpon flies ( for those #10,11 & 12/13 weights), winter fishing & freshwater where a #4 or #5 weight works better for the crappie & some bass with most of the flies size #8's. Just like boat choices.....what are you going to be using the rod for 90% of the time ?