
Wow, that will be some trip!

I?ve never fished for them, hopefully others who have will chime in. I can only tell you what I?ve heard from others who have fished for them at xmas and the Seychelles. They?ve used 9? leaders, 20lb tippet and 60-80 lb shock (Seaguar fluoro or Mason hard mono), or wire (they have teeth). From what they?ve said, you can fish for them two ways, on the flats, or over a hump in deeper water off a reef in a boat. They use a 60-80 lb fluoro or mono shock on the flats, and in deeper water from a boat use either 80 or wire (since you never know what else is around). Fish in deep water are chummed or teased with a hookless plug to the surface, then thrown to with poppers.

Seeing a popper get slammed has got to be a thrill, but I?d take some bigger stuff too for GT in addition to poppers, like Deceivers and some heavily weighted clousers or half and halfs for deep water in the event you decide to do the boat thing off a reef, so you can fish different depths. If you?re going through an outfitter, they can give you a better idea of what to bring as far as flies, gear and rigging for bones, GT?s.and whatever else will be around. I imagine your options will be very limited as far as replacement gear, so plan on bringing a lot of flies, extra backing, lines, tippet, shock and other gear you think you might need.

As you know, GTs especially over 30, are tough, tough fish. Have heard lot?s of stories about people getting spooled, cut off fly lines (sharp coral), blown up tackle, and just blazing, unstoppable fish, so I?m looking forward to your report..

BTW, at xmas they also have a few other types of trevally that don?t get as big, but can be a blast to throw at with your bonefish set up. If you were targeting them, or smaller GT, say under 15lbs with a 9 or 10wt, you could probably get away with a 40 lb shock.

Sounds like you?ll have a blast. Good luck, hope to see lots of pics.
