Well, they ain't bought yet, so the decision hasn't been made. There are other possibilities, I guess. Such as the Redington CD-series. Same price range, and since we need two reels, price takes on a greater meaning.

But your bringing up the drag is somthing new. Hadn't thought about that. How important is the drag difference?

Again, is the extra spool important if you have changeable shooting heads? Our largemouth fishing has been decidedly low-tech -- wading in a shallow river and using poppers on a floating line, and long long casts, with lots of 2 and 3-pounders and occasionally higher. We have had sink tips and an intermediate line for three years -- never used them. Lazy, I guess, but if it ain't broke....

But salt should be more demanding -- not necessarily more fun, but at the least it will add variety.
