
I haven't checked the price on the Olympus, so I can't comment on that. Our Pentax hasn't been treated with kid gloves and just keeps going. If I have to go deeper than 10 feet to get a camera back, it may just have to stay on the bottom. My diving days are long over, though I would like to see what's in some of the holes on my favorite river. I can't see putting 2250 pounds on a camera, except possibly sitting on it, but accidents do happen.

When I was using film cameras, the Olympus OM-1 was my 35mm camera of choice after dropping my old Nikon F out of a helicopter hovering at 75 feet. Olympus has great optics (but in this day and age, who doesn't) and makes a very fine camera.

For me, when I was using film cameras, how a camera felt in my hand was always a big deciding factor for me. Were the controls where I expected them to be, was it comfortable to use, that sort of thing. If you have a camera store nearby that carries both brands, why not give them a heft? See which one fits your hands and finances the best, then go for it. Either way I'm sure you'll get a fine camera.