Bamboozle - I've been a Red Sox fan all of my life, and I'm loving all of this!! The reason??? Because the Yankees Organization have just made one of the greatest mistakes they could possibly make - letting go of a class act A#1 manager, who's management style was dead on and even keeled.
Everyone in Red Sox Nation reveles in this, because this further diminishes the Evil Empire in their gready "win at all costs" attitude, and we love to see them make these mistakes.
A recent poll shows 78% of Yankee fans realize that this was a mistake, and the remaining 22% are the "win at all costs, let's try to buy the series" fans that all of baseball has grown to detest.
The Curse of A-Fraud (a.k.a. A-Rod) lives, and will continue to haunt that defeated, over extended, no good, classless organization for years to come so long as he's there. They've spent 1.3 Billion dollars since winning it the last time trying to win it all. 1.3 BILLION!!!
P.S. What's the difference between a Stadium Frank (the one's the Yankees sell at that concrete jungle they call a stadium) and a Fenway Frank (the one's they sell at the nations most beloved ballpark)? It's simple; the Fenway Frank is the one which can be bought readily throughout October!!!
Not bringing back Joe Torre......HA!! Almost equates itself to the Sox letting "Ruth" go all those years ago. Good gracious this is going to be fun to watch that whole Organization and mass exit of their key players fall apart....
Lets Go Red Sox (Clap.. Clap.. clapclap..clapclapclap)!!!