I liked the article JC. I think that change scares me in that I do not trust it so much. So many things we tried to do have unexpected consequences. Nature took thousands of years to generate these delecate balances and we move forward and expect to be able to duplicate that kind of change in years. Our track record is not so good. Look at the polution of our waters, especially in the 60's. Look at issues of global warming and our lack of true understanding of that issue. We are decimating whale populations in the name of progress.

While I take advantage of many of these "advances in technology" sometimes unconciously, I think that if given a choice I would vote for something that is slower and less potentially disasterous.

I miss places where I used to fish that are now housing complexes. I am greatful on the other hand for some of the advances that have come with these times like anti-biotics and new surgical techniques. I don't think there is a single answer, or a simple answer, but you bring up some good questions that we will benefit from if we ask ourselves those questions again and again.
