yeah i get that treatment at school now. we used to have a principle who was awsome and respected everybody but then he retired las year and we got this new guy whos treating us all like $%&^*%$ KIDS!!! IM DRIVING NOW AND HES ACTING LIKE IM IN *&^%*ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! ITS SO FRIGGIN ANNOYING! i think the problem seems to be that they dont know how to treat highschoolers and think were the same as middle schoolers and elementary schoolers. so to a lot of older people age doesnt matter. if youre under 18 youre a kid to them. its unfair but its something that you just gotta get used to. however, to the adults who do treat us with respect, THANK YOU. yer kool. its nice to have adult friends who treat you like an adult too. so any way im done rambling for now. you all may proceed with youre lives