Quote Originally Posted by Greg H
I am puzzled as to why it is necessary to clutter up the board with beginner patterns which must be already well represented on the 'net or in [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/beginners/part13.html:8ed0f]Al Campbell Lessons[/url:8ed0f]- regardless of how well they are photographed. And do I see that the eye has been crowded somewhat? I think this presentation would be better if it were posted [url=http://www.flytyingforum.com/:8ed0f]HERE[/url:8ed0f].
Using your word, PUZZLED, WHY would you say this Tutorial is 'Cluttering Up The BB?' If you don't like the Fly, the Photos, the Color or whatever, that's Fine, but don't try pushing things around!