It is hard to deny that we are in a world economy. The asian people like americans have a strong work ethic, amercan companies are the one who set the designs and specs of products. Because these tainted products were recalled shows the system works.

Please don't get me wrong, I am a loyal amercan and believe we americans can do anything we set our minds to. I also believe that USA is still a land of oppourtunity. In my life time I have personally known a couple self made millionaires. One is a brother in law who struggled for a long time barely able to pay his bills in 4 or 5 different jobs until he finally found the right combination. By the way he does not have a college education, did'nt win a lottery or sue somebody for it. I buy amercan more often than not if there is a choice.
Sometimes as far as cars go I temped to try an Asian brand auto because I tend to put a lot of miles on a vehicle and keep it a lot of years but so far I have not.

I do have a coulple of redington cps fly rods that are light and crisp and fit me to a T. They are very well made and cast like a dream, and the are made to redingtons spec's in china.

I know this can be an emotional subject, but I do not think there is any going back or denying that we are in a world economy