Hi right back at ya! Joan is out tonight but I'll give her a hug from you as soon as she returns. She's busy making the world a better place.

I agree that teaching an experienced fisherman is as hard or harder than a rank beginner. Not only do you need to teach but you need to "un-teach" as well. I remember something my kid's teacher once told me (actually more than once). Accentuate the positive. Focus on what is right and if the student does that it will often spread to some of the things they are doing "wrong".

Joan and I talk about Quebec often and we will return. Not this year, but hopefully next. Last night we were talking about our upcoming trip to North Carolina for family (and some fishing of course). Our trip is about 12 hours over two days. Joan said 6 hours in NJ or going down I95 uuuggghhh. Now if it was 6 hours along the Saguenay, that would be fine. To those who are reading this and looking for a wonderful trip consider visiting the St. Marguerite and the Saguenay area. It is the best of being in a foreign country with good fishing and great guides

love to your fam as well.


ps Joan just returned and gave a hug right back at you.