Since I think there is no 'real' connection between actual fly fishing and competitive fly fishing, I see no problem.It is a fine chance for those people, so motivated, to have a fun competition. I don't see where they are promoting anything other than themselves. I see it as just a fun thing to do. I don't think they cause any harm to any environment or the fish, most are pretty savvy outdoors type anyhow. I never feel tempted to run right out and try to emulate what I see them doing. There might be some benefit that could happen though. Perhaps a guy might learn something about casting or fly fishing by watching. The most good I think may develop is the actual publicity. To just have fly fishing itself surface on a national level, even though it is not exactly exemplary, may be a opportunity for a little 'bait & switch', anything to help get more involved. Then again, I may be dead wrong about all of this. I have known well a member of both teams, youth and adult; both were quality folks.